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What Does Daily Interest Accural Means?

It would be nice to know when that interest is applied to your balance and how quickly the fund will expand when you earn interest on your savings. Together with the interest rate, an account's accrual and compounding terms decide the total earnings on your assets. Factors generally used for interest earnings are daily accrual with quarterly compounding.
Interest can accrue on any time schedule; common periods include daily, monthly and annually. Daily accrual, for example, means interest amounts are added to the account balance every day. Some modern computations have interest accrue continuously based on mathematical formulas that slice time more and more finely as time approaches zero.

Accrued Interest

In financial terminology, "accrues" means the same thing as "accumulates." Interest is considered accrued when it is added to the balance on the account, which accrues on loans such as a mortgage, on savings accounts, student loans, and on other investments.
Daily accrual means that interest is added to the account balance every day. The rate of interest earned will be the annual interest rate divided by 365. If you have an account earning 6 percent interest, the account will accrue interest at a rate of 0.01644 percent each day
Most banks are going to raise interest every day. Some are even constantly collecting it. Rest assured, the more often a bank raises interest on your mortgage, the worse it will be for you (on the other hand, the more often a bank raises interest on your savings account, the better it will be for you).

Daily Accrual Example

Consider a $100,000 mortgage loan with a 15% APR accrued daily. Assuming the contract has a 365-day year (some are 360), the daily interest rate can be found by dividing 15 by 365. This calculation yields a daily interest rate of 0.0410958%.
The accrued interest on the first day of the mortgage is equal to $100,000 x 0.0410958%, or $41.0958. The account balance on day two equals $100,041.10 after rounding. Moving beyond day two, interest accrual depends on the compounding period.

Accured Interest Formula

Accrued Interest formula calculates the interest amount which is earned or which is payable on the debt over one accounting period but the same is not received or paid in the same accounting period and it is calculated by multiplying the principal amount with rate of interest and number of days for which debt is given or taken and then dividing it with total number of days in a year.
Accrued Interest Formula is represented as follows :
Accrued Interest Formula = Loan Amount*(Yearly Interest/365)* Period for which the Interest is Accrued

Explanation of Accrued Interest Formula 

Cost is accrued when cost is due but not yet charged, because the duration is different for interest payable and interest paid.  In the case of a bond, interest is accrued because interest begins to accumulate from the time the bond is issued, but interest is generally paid in the form of a coupon at periodic intervals such as quarterly, semi-annually or annually.Therefore, the interest is earned for the duration but not paid becomes an interest accrued.
